
Thursday, October, 8, 2012:

We suggest you an activity called: "bingo". The teacher will use the activity to revise the vocabulary of the previous class. Here we give you an example of the topics: parts of the body and  the weather, but you can sustitute them by other topics. First, the teacher will say some words and the students will write what they listen to it in the correct gap. After that, the teacher will do it in a difficult way, so instead of just saying the words, he or she will speak as in a monologue or telling a story and in this story he or she will include the words. Students should distinct the words among all the oral text. Students will complete the gap as they did the first time.

Wednesday, October, 31, 2012: 


Here we show you an activity you can give to children so that they can review vocabulary about the nature in a interesting and fun way. 
This activity is divided in three parts. The instructions are explaind down below. 


1.Put the names in the correct places: wide, deep, bridge, big, river, lake, mountain, ocean, waterfall.
2.Add in the picture: people fishing, boats, flowers, trees, houses, tents and some animals.
3.colour the picture.

Monday, November, 5, 2012:

This is our next suggestion:

We believe it is intended for students in the first cycle of Primary Education.

We will place in the classroom, in a evident place a calendar in English (see example of November).

Each day, we will ask at a different child a new word they have learn in English and the teacher will write in the corresponding place. The teacher will repeat the word for students to remember it.

The teacher's job is to use as more as he or her can the new word in English in simple sentences for students to relate it in a context.

We can also put an icon representing the weather every day and talk about it in the classroom.

For this activity to be effective the teacher must speak English, positively correcting students' pronunciation.

We believe it is a simple way to talk daily English in the classroom and to learn vocabulary gradually.

































Tuesday, November, 13, 2012

Learn the months of the year

Here you can see a sheet where children learn the months of the year and practice the color. It is an interesting way for pupils to revise and learn vocabulary. Here we have showed  you this example, but teachers can make this sheets of lots of things, like the days of the week or the hour. 
Its a fun and motivating way to make learners do activities. 

Friday, November, 16, 2012

  Will you be able to follow the instructions? 

Materials: an image will be distributed. It will appear a character in a point of start. Likewise, buildings in different streets for them to visualize the concepts that were given to the children in the previous lesson (school, cinema, hotel, theatre, library... and so on) and set a context. 

 Organization: in pairs

  Procedure:  the teacher will give instructions (using also scaffolding strategies through the language in order to increase the linguistic input) that the children have to follow in order to guess in which building the  character will finish. 

- Next to...
- Opposite...
-Turn right... 

Tuesday, November, 20, 2012: 

This time the task we want to share with you is one of the activities we made in class with Elvira, describing pictures.

Here you can read how we can describe one picture.

Don't forget repite as much as you can and being redundant, using short sentences and mimic or gestures if you have ocassion. Do you want to try it?

“There is a big flag in the middle of the picture; it is a beautiful flag with something inside. Can you imagine it? In the middle of the flag there’re 12 stars in a circle. There are 12 yellow stars. Ummm… Do you know which flag it is? … Yes, it is the flag of Europe. Lara your flag is very nice! Very good Pedro!.

On the left, there’s a girl holding the flag with her hands. Do you remember which one is your left hand? Raise your left hand!! Excellent!... She’s got two ponytails on both sides of his head, two big ponytails and one flower in each ponytail, I love ponytails!. She is smiling. She is wearing a nice short dress and she has got two shoes. Same as you Lola, nice shoes!

On the right side there is a boy and he is holding also the flag with his left hand. Come on! Raise your left hand again! He is smiling too; he is smiling because he feels happy. Are you happy Teo? Yes, I can see your beauty smile! The boy is wearing a t-shirt and shorts, we wear shorts in summer. He’s got socks and trainers, the boy wears white trainers”.

Thursday, November, 29, 2012:

"Begin by the end!"

Normally when an author writes a story the last thing to add in the book are the ilustrations. That's what our students are going to do in a disorder way. First they are going to paint or draw each one a picture. Consequently, we are going to have many pictures. After that, children will join in groups of 5 or 6 (what the teacher prefers) and children will use their pictures to create a story with them. So they will imagine and think about them. When they will had created the story they will have to tell the short tale in class for the rest of children. They could tell it by parts, so each children will explain a part of the story accompanied by its picture. It would be like a storytelling create by themselves.

Friday, November, 7, 2012: 

Helping children to speak

TPR robots: 

Tell the children that they are robots and they have to follow your instructions in the manner of a robot. You have a remote control device which means that you can pause them (the children have to freeze), fast forward them (they do the action you have called out very quickly) or rewind them (they have to do the action backwards). 

Wednesday, December, 26, 2012

The task selected today thinking on Reading activities is:

From this page  children have to choose a short story and read it.

They should read first trying to take a general idea about what they are learning.

When they have read the story they can explain in a few sentences the main idea of it and can draw some picture also.

After that, they can complete this sheet.

Literature Response

Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________________

Directions: After reading your selection, choose one of the following sentence stems to write a response to what you read. Write your response on a separate sheet of writing paper.

After reading ____________________________,
                                                                      (the book, chapter, story, or poem)

I noticed…
A question I have is…
I wonder why…
I began to think of…
It seems like…
I can’t really understand…
I’m not sure…
I know the feeling…
I loved the way…
I realized…
I was surprised…
If I were…
I discovered…

This activity is only a general idea about all we can do with short stories, and we can complete it with some pre-reading activities and post-activities.

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